Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nicolas of Cusa

Nicolas of Cusa, "Even the very profound Aristotle, in his first
philosophy, asserts in all things most obvious by nature such
difficulty occurs for us as for a night owl which is trying to look at
the sun." I think it means that nature is always pure, undeceiving,
and in is predictable. It is unlike human where we are difficult to
read, can be unauthentic, and even be deceiving. The night owl is a
nocturnal creature and will have difficulties seeing sunlight since it
is not part of their animalistic features.

I like this one the best of all from him, "If we can fully attain unto
this knowledge of our ignorance, we will attain unto learned
ignorance." It is true about oneself whose too conceit and carries
such a high ego. I consider the more egotistic a person is whose
always out there always act like a know it all or walks with their
nose up the air are the more ignorant of all. I call this of my own,
"fake confidence." This type of what I call fake confidence is a
hindrance to perceive further knowledge and mostly is arrogant. When
one is humble and not in denial of unknown, they will just only gain

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