Saturday, March 15, 2008

What level of dimensions does psychic has access to? Is it the same dimension as Lisa Randall and hologram?

I was reading a book called, "Your Sixth Sense," written by Ted Andrews.
He uses the Hologram Peredigm to explain why a person is able to access
and foresees intuitively of another person that once lived or is still
living. However, it seems that Lisa Randall is speaking of the matter as
mentioned for the hologram. So are they actually speaking of the same

I actually started reading about our sixth sense before class and it's
great that I am knowing more of it. But of course, no matter what, I
don't think anyone is able to answer this question, but hopefully
someone can make some senses out of this. My first thoughts of getting
this book was because I wanted to get in touch with my gut feeling.
However, I found out further that it was related to psychicism. I kept
reading but I refuse to practice any the lessons offered in the book.
I've always had believed in spirits but never really got in touch of
any, I want to keep it that way. I mean, who knows, I don't want create
an access of any chances with any occurrences with them. Now I'm just
more freaked out. I wonder if anyone shares this same experience with

How to Sleep Well If You Are Afraid of The Dark

You are not alone. Being scared in the dark is not a childhood fear and most of the adults that I know of are still scared of darkness. From all the people I have known, I am have the worse case of panics when sleeping alone in the dark or being home alone. I get uncomfortable easily when I'm sitting in a room filled with dead silence. It is most worse when I try to sleep at night and in the dark I hear crackling noises made by my wooden desk or the TV stand. Because once I hear cracklings I start starring and searching.

I used keep my eyes wide open to watch out for myself in the dark and this makes me more awake and scared. I guess it is true since when a person is in the dark they start creating images and freak themselves out. But it was hard for me to close my eyes since I'm so paranoid of being in the dark by myself. Recently, I discovered a way to help me fall asleep easier in the dark and avoid starring at objects in the dark. Thanks to the invention of the eye cover. When I'm ready to go bed, I just strap it on to cover my eyes. The eye cover kept my eyes blinded so it prevents me from starring at objects in the dark space. The woods still crackles but as long as I am being blindfolded it will keep my eyes shut and away from freaking myself out.

Apology by Plato

If it was for anyone who was able to write empathetically well, it will be Plato in Apology. I don't care for all of the people who thinks I'm weird from those who criticize about the writings of Plato. I found him to be the the greatest writer in empathy. I know it's not hard to write for pity or asking its audiences for sympathy. However, he slowly builds his character to a brighter light, then slowly, slowly, Socrates shines. For this is part of the reason being I found him to be such an amusement. Well maybe because I'm just easily moved by empathy. But most importantly, it is because I use this style of writing- well depends on circumstances. I guess it is because it works! But of course I'm not in any level close to Plato. But let's see what seems to make his writing so eloquent.

I know for a fact that his overall style is reeling in the reader gradually. For example; at the beginning of the story Socrates was fighting for his own defense. As the story progress, he found himself in a more unfavorable situation with the judges. So as the courts' injustice rises to the defender, and this drama gets more intensive, so did Plato write the lines of Socrates to be yet more prideful and righteousness. Towards the end of the dialouge; where more prideful of himself and his friends and the people of Athenians. Socrates announces for himself that he would be this single person to sacrifice for the civilians of Athenians, because now, shinning its brightest, he has a heroic light on him. Overall for me, I will remember this talent and will in the future to read more of his writings.