Sunday, March 9, 2008

Reaction to the film, Aldous Huxley "Man Search for Truth"

I had the toughest time balancing out my beliefs and values for these
past couple of years. I choose to major in science, so I was going
back and forth this whole time questioning about my beliefs between
spirituality and science. At one point, I found myself replacing all
my spiritual beliefs since my science classes practices on producing
hard facts and evidences. However recently, somehow conscientiously
my spiritual side grew upon me, reminding me not to forget what I had
once valued. I've decided to find an explanation for both of these
two beliefs and try my best to make senses from both sides so I can
bring peace inside of me. Believe me, this is not easy and even I
started to get confused and got blurred while researching on my own.
I almost thought of giving up. However after watching the film of
Aldous Huxley, I was able to find a conformation from him. That a
human being should have two types of education; scientific language
and literature. Above all, most importantly is intelligence and

Huxley explains that the scientific language is a one word, which
stands for one theme between given word and event talked about. In
literature literature work can be expressed in two types of ways;
expressing the inexpressible, and expressing good work in multiple
events human have and expressing it in multiple meanings. Most
important and above most was intelligence and consciousness. These
key points serves as a guidance for me as an individual to let me know
that even though I am in a blur right now, I should continue my

Francis Fukuyama

Francis Fukuyama

I disagree with Fukuyama's prediction on where he mentions that no
large states or powerful industries would go to war unless big issues
seems to arise. In addition he also added that no more bigger in
space to fight about since spaces has reached its limits and
capacities. This is not true in my point of view. Did we all forget
that our government sponsors on the new innovations and technology for
mars and the moon? Let me remind us all with such administration
called, NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. In the
article written by Mark Whittington, published Sep 21, 2007\

In the past we have been competing with China for the race of to get
to the moon. It was most recent in 2007 that China has surprised the
U.S., Russia and India with their new innovations in space technology.
The strongest country of the nation is sure not pleasant. Besides,
these four countries are aiming for all the same ideas; in new
inventions to strengthen their military weapons, and promoting the
expansion of life and spaces. Therefore I disagree with Fukuyama. I
strongly believe that there is still spaces available for our country
and other countries to go to war for.