Thursday, April 10, 2008

Regards to Edward O Wilson, “The Creation” (Wk 3)

Let me ask you. What is more important than money? Important than kinship? How about that Mercedes car you’ve always dreamed of? Lastly, can you think of anything else that can be more important than of that new home you and your spouse have just purchased, and can’t wait to start a family in? So, let’s compare and evaluate by breaking it down. In order for a person to be able to purchase any sorts of material goods, one must need to pay with cash. To get cash, a person has to either obtain it through labor or from their kins. In order for you and your kins to survive and to perform labor, we need food and resources. In order for resources to be available in an environment, it first has to exist in this universe. This is reasonable to suggest that the environment is what makes this universe a whole. To protect the environment is like protecting existence in this universe.

Regardless of how much we hate our neighbors or despise another ones beliefs, you don’t even have to agree with anybody. But for the sake of your own beings. I mean after all, you do want to live in that fairy tale story of yours right; drive the car of your dreams, living most comfortably, and enjoying your existence, therefore, we must protect the environment first in order to guarantee that there is a place for us in the future. Where similar to Edward O. Wilson in his lecture: he suggested, “ To call on the religious faithful and Evangelicals, and parts because it represented so plainly in basic fuse to join scientists, secularists, environmentalists’ and such one opposes other. Keep in mind that saving the earth is the only way to save the existence of your kinship members. Because without earth, here is no road for you to drive your Mercedes, no land exist for you to residence that dream home, there wouldn’t be any matter at all. We must protect earth.