Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Of Course Fundamentalism is a Mental Disease (Wk 4)

I too, agrees with the narrator that fundamentalism, is indeed, a mental disease. Based on one of the film called, Fundamentalism is a Mental Disease; the narrator states, “Fundamentalism is a mental disease; to which I would add, creationism is taught only by those who cannot think.” These creationists are religious believers of the church and are infallible of their biblical doctrines, even when their context contains erroneous errors. There were indefeasible evidences proving literal context of the bible does contain falsifying fundamentals, and adjustments should be made or to create a new. However, these fundamentalists ignores and refuses making corrections and taught wrongful moralities and fake creations in their literature. This is reasonable to assume; that the thinking and the behaviors of fundamentalism is to be considered as a mental disease.

It occurs to me, that the fundamentalists could not have possibly done this intentionally. It would be considered as if they created lies and guilty for deceiving all the innocents and the faithful child of Gods. They also committed sinful moralities by plagiarizing Gods’ work. After all, they are reputable of their literature in moralities and therefore left me with no other choice than the worst case that can possibly exist. It may seem liable this chastisement of fundamentalists to exist; failing to present God’s work the believers of His, unless they are in a challenged state in mental illnesses. A mental disease sounds reasonable to explain this behavior the best. The functionality of the fundamentalists seems almost as if a virus or a brain-suckling slug has found themselves a common ground to reservoir itself in the frontal lobes of theirs. Pathogens infests itself in ones brain could possibly prevent anyone from progressing their thoughts and even retardation. In fact, this actually help explain why they wrote inaccurate literals in their bible from the very beginning. These fundamentalisms didn’t intentionally deliver Gods’ will in such an erroneous form. Therefore, its mental retardation of caused of that brain-slug.

Another factor that may be the possible interference with fundamentalism members of these men from church leads me to another type of mental illnesses. It may be possible to draw an assumption; the fundamentalist’s complex system in the level of complexity must not have extent to their fullest developments. This limits ones degrees in the level of complexity and therefore can really discourage how much ones able to perform in reasoning, critical thinking, or multi-tasking. In this case, it remains a challenging and unachievable tasks of fundamentalists to make able of carrying out the performances of the transferring written materials from the old and blend with some new literal materials. The existence of a bacteria or virus can be the problem or either it can be blamed due to the undergrowth of permanents of never maturing any further than the premature development in their complex system.

References: http://elearn.mtsac.edu/dlane/mentaldisease.htm