Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Regards to Edward O. Wilson, Consilience ((Wk4)

In the regards to Edward O. Wilson, Consiliences lecture. <http://elearn.mtsac.edu/dlane/neuraltv6.htm> For more than thirty years, Wilson was being discriminated, being chastised, and being despised on by almost everyone the world. Yet, he stood independently for his beliefs and his thinkings. It's shameful that it taken this long for us, the human beings, to finally let go of the thought of where "supposedly," we are the most superior form than all other living species. Even until now, there are still others who refuses to believe that humans are animals, and we share more similarities with animals, than differing from them.

To be honest, I personally think animals are better than the human beings in so many ways. For example, in the movie of The March of the Penguins; where a mother penguin realizes her newborn died of a premature death. Impulsively, this mother tries to steal another females' newborn. This mother was aggressive and was determine to find a replacement for that newborn of hers. They fought continuously, and within the area other females are guarding their newborns also. However, these other groups of females couldn't stand such much longer of this unreasonable behavior of the mother penguin,. A group of females penguins steps in and gained up this psychotic mother penguin and made sure she didn't return. You see, these helpful female penguins, despite the fact that they are protecting their own newborns from this psychotic mother. In addition, the group recognizes unreasonable behaviors that should not be tolerated. This animal proves itself to be unselfish and ability to differentiate what's reasonable and what's unreasonable.

In another instance in the film called, The Planet Earth; In China, a mother panda gave birth during the cold snowy winter, and to make matters worse, they were lacked in food. However, the mother made sure her newborn is well feed and while she hasn't eat for 12 days. She also never leaves the newborn out of her sight, especially the first month since it is still blind. This animal sacrifices its own for the sake of its own child's well being. In compare to human beings, it's rare to hear such sacrifice, instead I hear parents abandoning their own child or even leave it in a dumpster. I don't think animals has ever done such thing unless if the parents got killed while searching for food to feed its youngs. If I were ever given, in a situation whether to save a human being or an animal, I will save the animal, because an animal can't speak for itself and is the more helpless being than the human being.

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