Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Christian Friend

It was two days ago that finally decided to visit one of my Christian friend that I had ignored for the longest time. She was one of my good friend whose has a good heart. I found her to be a genuine person and for this simple reason that bonded us together. I have an open mind to all things and for all people because I do not discriminate any opportunities when it comes to expanding my knowledge. However, she got annoying to me this past year after she went through a mid-life crisis and became a Christian.

I am Buddhist, but I don't ever put my religious practices on anyone nor do I try to show-off and be egocentric with my religion. But hate naive and ethnocentrism- and that was her problem. Throughout our conversations, all she had related of our topics were from the bible and "her" God. I found it to be extremely irritating because all it was her talking 24/7 with me was God this and God. What ticked me off the most was when she told me that I will go to hell if I didn't love "her" God. I'm like what the f#$% is this? Inside my head without being rude, I thought to myself that love is not suppose to be forced. It is my free will if I want to love one matter or not. This verse from the bible sounded selfish and like it was threatening me that I am suppose to force myself to love "her" God, and if not I am suppose to go to hell!

So I tried to remain calm and forget about that irritating thought but it only got more extreme. She then warned me about the devils and the evil spirits, all this because I was reading a book from philosophy class. It was because I told her I was taking a philosophy class and some of my readings from a book has blurred my views upon my consciences. She broke out and told me to burn the copy pages that I have printed from my computers in pdf file. She said everyone's thoughts are suppose to be clear and if anything that has caused blurred consciences is the works of the devil. She told me I invited them inside my house since I printed it from the printer at home. I have decided that her thoughts has gotten way too carried away. She was the only person I had ever meet upon that got way too carried away with her beliefs. So I have decided my next occasion with her will not be anytime soon.

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