Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Comment Regarding the Lecture of Owen Gingerich on Astronomy, God, and Jesus (Wk3)

In my art history class, I have learned that most religious paintings and portraits were were purchased from the church from starving artists. These artists uses the bible as a reference and guide themselves of Gods' imagery. The existence of competitiveness amongst these artists, forces them to heighten their creativeness to and produced amplified imageries of Gods' omnipotence. Therefore, it is important for an individual to know all possible background information to whom they choose to worship.

Same for Owen Gingerich, as a religious believer, in his lecture http://elearn.mtsac.edu/dlane/neuraltelevisiontest4.htm;called Astronomy, God, and Jesus, he suggests the religious believers to make sensible choices when selecting an imagery of God for ones to worship. In other words, he felt that many believers in God, has a fixed imagery of God-like figure like in The Sixteenth Chapel; with an old man reaching and creating Adam. In a way, it sounds a bit deceiving, but I am not in a place to offer much in this subject because I wouldn't want to offend anyone.

Truth is, "Whatever Floats Ones Boat" (Wk 4)

Based on a theory of my own, I have made up a theme for the ones that lives in denials of their own, "Whatever floats your boat" (ones boat). Everyone of us are constantly living different realities of truths, because each of us needs different truths, in order to keep us living another day. That is why I totally agree with the creator in film called, Truth is That Truth Lies. He mentions, "Man would have to invent God even if he didn't exist, we cannot live without purpose even if that purpose is that adaptive fiction...etc." Pathetic truths exists a pathetic being and these are the ones that has to have some self denying truths they created for themselves to keep its boat floating. I found a very few; truthful and self loving of their very own existence, these are the ones who doesn't need a boat. There are no reasons in the need of a boat first of all; because the ones who lives in constant reality are well grounded.

The boat floaterers are a dime a dozen: nothing interesting or special to them at all but they think and act like they are. They make themselves believe so , therefore they act that act. Watch them closely. No matter how much a person makes themselves to believe in, the body still will not correlate. Therefore, the reactions, movements will show emptiness and insecurities. But they will free themselves no matter from thinking they are full of nothing now believes they are in self denials. In order to prevent oneself of recognizing whatever flaws they posses, it remain to be blindfold. As time passes by, then it is no longer familiar to know such shape of matter to be. However this blindfold only covers, it doesn't do any fulfillments. So observe their behaviors. It is definite from my own experience, you just have to a good observer- that's all it takes. Yet, I'm still bored. Seeing the replays of same story; women that gets a boob job or a nose job. Because their ideal of truth of actual beauty is to look common to another person. Taking $30,000, in order to spite a spark of the insecurities and low self-esteems; sure because it floats their boat. Because there are so many these floaterers, I am stuck observing these the borest dreamers, dead-end floaterers, the fairy tale wannabes Cinderella, and the worse are the ones that invests all of themselves for a lover (little as these investors know, they will only get dumped sooner or later).

The ones I find most intriguing and enriching are the ones who can speaks and lives in the constantly reality. Those similar to my interests; speaks the same types of human language. Lives in the constant reality, is able to criticize the actual truth, and will laugh at the actual truths. Since there are so few of us; motivated beings as we are, and yet constantly climbing the high of the highest; it forces us to take parts. I admit, we are autistic to some level of degrees. Who can blame us because we are actively bored.

Question of the Strange and Queerness That I Cannot Understand (Wk)

In The Strangeness of Science by Richard Dawkins, is found: .

When the narrator reads aloud about the recall an experience of ones childhood. Ones able to see, smell, heard, or feel; as if ones were once really there. "The bombshell," then gets dropped into our ears, exclaims "you weren't there, not a single atom that is in your body today was there when that even took place; matter flows from place to place and momentarily comes together to be you; whatever you are there for you were not the stuff of which you were made." This concept is "important" for us understand says the reader.
-Question: How does the matter of energy takes turns or be exactly us? And how is it that feel that familiarity? Does this relate to time transporting, if there is really such thing as time transporting? Does this mean it is possible for us to be at two or more places at once and can possibly take different forms all at the same time?

In the lecture it also mentions that the middle world; us, that resides in this world has a solid brain so we can define solids and not walk through walls. Yet, next line, he mentions, "insects are reverse."
-Questions: Does it mean insects does not have a solid brain? Come on. It can't be implying that insects can pass through solids; if I am missing out, someone can tell me that they actually witness them passing through rocks and the walls?

Regards to Edward O. Wilson, Consilience ((Wk4)

In the regards to Edward O. Wilson, Consiliences lecture. <http://elearn.mtsac.edu/dlane/neuraltv6.htm> For more than thirty years, Wilson was being discriminated, being chastised, and being despised on by almost everyone the world. Yet, he stood independently for his beliefs and his thinkings. It's shameful that it taken this long for us, the human beings, to finally let go of the thought of where "supposedly," we are the most superior form than all other living species. Even until now, there are still others who refuses to believe that humans are animals, and we share more similarities with animals, than differing from them.

To be honest, I personally think animals are better than the human beings in so many ways. For example, in the movie of The March of the Penguins; where a mother penguin realizes her newborn died of a premature death. Impulsively, this mother tries to steal another females' newborn. This mother was aggressive and was determine to find a replacement for that newborn of hers. They fought continuously, and within the area other females are guarding their newborns also. However, these other groups of females couldn't stand such much longer of this unreasonable behavior of the mother penguin,. A group of females penguins steps in and gained up this psychotic mother penguin and made sure she didn't return. You see, these helpful female penguins, despite the fact that they are protecting their own newborns from this psychotic mother. In addition, the group recognizes unreasonable behaviors that should not be tolerated. This animal proves itself to be unselfish and ability to differentiate what's reasonable and what's unreasonable.

In another instance in the film called, The Planet Earth; In China, a mother panda gave birth during the cold snowy winter, and to make matters worse, they were lacked in food. However, the mother made sure her newborn is well feed and while she hasn't eat for 12 days. She also never leaves the newborn out of her sight, especially the first month since it is still blind. This animal sacrifices its own for the sake of its own child's well being. In compare to human beings, it's rare to hear such sacrifice, instead I hear parents abandoning their own child or even leave it in a dumpster. I don't think animals has ever done such thing unless if the parents got killed while searching for food to feed its youngs. If I were ever given, in a situation whether to save a human being or an animal, I will save the animal, because an animal can't speak for itself and is the more helpless being than the human being.